Thursday, November 17, 2011

1st Annual Lakeside Inn BIG BASS Invitational Tournament

January 28th, 2012 - Launching from Gilbert Park in Mount Dora

$4,000 First Place

Hosted by the Harris Chain Bassmasters the Lakeside Inn in Mount Dora and Lake County Tourist Development Council.

Entry Fee is $100.00 per boat and the tournament is limited to 100 boats. Entries will be accepted by mail until January 20th, 2012.  You may also pay at the registration meeting on Friday evening.

Special rate, $79.00 plus tax for Anglers on Friday night.  Contact Jeff Wise at the Lakeside Inn (800) 556- 5016.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to all competitors! Let's see another 13 pounder like the one caught in practice before last weekend's tourney!
