Centennial Activities Calendar
Feb. 20 Black History Luncheon at MLK Center
11:00 to 1:00 $7.00 (Special Honorees)
March 25 Ice Cream Social (FREE) cake & ice cream in
Donnelly Park, 5:00 to 7:00 (entertainment too)
Use the FREE paper shredder at the Park
March 25 Century Boats on display at Lakeside Inn at Noon;
Come see how luxury boating used to be;
March 27 Brain Bowl Competition 1:00 to 2:00 PM in the CHBS
Auditorium (See our local HS students face off
with Gulfport HS students (also their centennial)
March 27 FREE Concert in Donnelly Park featuring Larry
Hoppen & friends from the Orleans Band, plus local bands
plus an extra-ordinary silent auction, a beer
garden 5:30 to 8:00 bring your chairs;
March 27 to 28 Mount Dora Spring Collectibles & Craft Show
in Downtown Mount Dora 9 to 5 PM;
Antique Boat Show on Tavares waterfront;
April 9 Downtown ART STROLL where the street banners
will be auctioned (FREE appetizers & punch) and
local, imaginative artists & their work on display;
April 24 Earth Day Celebration – Rain Barrel workshop
at the Library, start 10:30am, $30 city residents;
April 25 Earth Day –Donnelly Park 12 noon to 6:00 displays
demonstrations, FREE concert and more;
April 25 Taste in Mount Dora with a ‘Centennial’ theme
Lake Receptions, 5:00 to 8:00 (Limited tickets);
April 30 Poetic Sonnet about MOUNT DORA, composed and
presented (with music) by local artists FREE at the
First Presbyterian Church;
July 3 Independence Day Parade and celebration, downtown and
Gilbert Park with fireworks;
Aug. 28 Centennial Casino Night at Lake Receptions 5 to 10 PM;
There are more activities and programs your organization
or company can sponsor throughout the year so call
The Chamber at (352) 383-2165 for more information.
See the “Street banners on Donnelly, Grandview &
Highland (Will be auctioned at April 9 Art Stroll)
Books of Mount Dora history on sale at the Chamber
License plates & other memorabilia also on sale
Time Capsule memberships on sale ($20.10) so your
name can be on the “scroll” when it is buried in the
front lawn of the renovated Community Center
Historic photographs and stories on display at the
Library and other rotating locations
Join the Centennial themed activities all year.
Being in Mount Dora during 2010 will really be fun with so many things to see and do while the City celebrates its 100th birthday!! GG