Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year In Review

What is it about the new year that makes us sit back and reflect on the last 12 months? I found a great quote that sums up the answer to my question ...

New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights. ~Hamilton Wright Mabie

And so I sit over a cup of tea, reflecting over the year. Some goals achieved. Some goals still on my to-do list. I call them "goals" since it keeps looking at them more often then a "new year" resolution. This year, 2008, was our first year of making blogging more of a habit than a hobby. Since January, we've had 161 posts, countless photos, 3 videos, and all-in-all 365 days of fun playing tourists in our own backyard and documenting the Mount Dora lifestyle and what there is to do here. We'll continue this tradition in 2009, trying new things and keeping it fresh.

What goals have you reached? What does 2009 have in store for you? If you have a fun story you would like to share, or an unusual New Years "goal", send us an email at

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