Thursday, September 18, 2008

Going into hibernation . . .

If I were to go into hibernation for the winter, I would have to pick a dark and cozy place, with a plush soft spot to lounge about, a big screen tv to watch my favorite shows, and an endless supply of vino. And of course I would invite all of my good friends to keep me company. Enter ... the new Wine Den on 4th Avenue.

The Wine Depository has new ownership, a new name, and a new look.

There is wide selection of bottles stacked floor to ceiling and wine available by the glass if you'd like take some time out to taste. My friends and I worked up an appetite for dinner while sharing a bottle of Tempranillo. Of course, having the Food Network on in the background teasing us with some amazing dishes helped a bit too.

I'm thankful that we have a great variety of quality spots downtown to wine, dine and have a good time. Next time you're here, pop into the new Wine Den. But if you're planning the hibernate ... I've already called dibs!


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