Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lei Breast Cancer To Rest

When you hear the phrase Viva Las Chicas and Luau in the same sentence ... you think of a big party, right? Well that is exactly what's happening! A big party for an even bigger cause.

Viva Las Chicas states their mission as being a breast cancer awareness, education, and support group born out of the desire of a few to touch the lives of many. This weekend, in conjunction with the Grandview Bed & Breakfast, they will be hosting a Luau to Lei Breast Cancer To Rest.

All proceeds from this event will go to the 2008 Breast Cancer 3 Day which is a 60 mile walk over 3 days benefiting Women for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust for Breast Cancer Research. Viva Las Chicas has participated in these Breast Cancer events since 2002.

Meet some of the "chicas" here at Why We Walk.

It's not too late! Tickets are still available, so come join our Luau this weekend and celebrate life! There will be a buffet, dancing, music, a silent auction and, of course, everyone gets leied! Just visit for more information.


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