Wednesday, January 2, 2008

So U Think U Can Sew?

Walking downtown today while running some errands I got drawn into a store on 5th that sells nothing but yarn and thread. Kind of unusual for someone like me who doesn't sew or knit. But this little place was so ... European. It reminded me of how in Paris and Rome each little shop sold it's own wares ... a shop for cheese, a shop for meat, a shop for fabrics, a shop for paper, etc. It's the anti-supermarket. Hard to find in today's fast-paced convenience driven culture. I guess that's what makes it extremely charming and much more fun.

All the different colors and textures inspired a little creative bug inside me that said, "yes, I CAN make that cool handbag example in the window." Wish I could bottle up that little boost of creative spirit because I really can't even make toast.

I bought two little balls of cotton yarn in neutral colors with flecks of oranges, browns and blacks. My grandmother makes me these fabulous dish cloths. I think it's about time I take the opportunity to have her teach me how to make them.


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