Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Evening Stroll

After spending the day in Orlando, it was nice to come home to just a quiet little evening downtown. We went for a walk and watched people learning how to waltz and dance around in the Donnelly building, families having a dinner picnic in the park and visitors window shopping while eating ice cream.

We ended up sipping tea on the balcony at One Flight Up while watching more small-town evening activities commence below us. It's a great view of all that is happening on Donnelly and it was nice to just sit, relax and enjoy the quietness of it all.

While we were walking home I noticed some postings for an "artist's studio apartment" available for rent downtown. I don't know what it is about the marketing of an "artist's studio"... or maybe the interesting organization of furniture I saw today at Ikea ... that for a fleeting moment I wanted to live in a 500 square foot apartment. Sounds kind of cool & romantic to live in a "studio" above a storefront and to be able to trot downtown and wave hello to the locals and grab a cup of coffee. But wait a minute here ... I can already trot downtown, wave "hi" to the locals and grab a cup of coffee and I live in a 2000 square foot cottage. What was I thinking?


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